German Cities Cutting Pollution

Germany has recently decided that cities will be allowed to ban older diesel vehicles in specific zones that are worst affected by pollution in the area. The top federal court said that this could potentially lead to similar action throughout Europe. What do you think? Should the diesel emissions that can cause respiratory diseases be ban in high pollution areas? The big issue with this is that cities will still be able to avoid the ban and the German government is looking to introduce a national policy, to at least ensure that there is some consistency across the country. New diesel vehicles will not be affected by this ban because the emissions from them are not as polluted as they were in the old diesel vehicles. Only 2.7 out of the 15 million diesel cars met the Euro-6 standards so that made a huge impact on the diesel car business. One alternative that the German government could potentially impose is making public transport free in cities that are suffering from poor air quality. I think that this ban could be a great way to help reduce pollution in the areas that are affected the most and could potentially pave way for other countries to do the same thing. 



  1. I think that this would be great for Germany! Is this going to make diesel companies profit less because they will have to invest in new transportation? In the short run it might disrupt a business but in the long run will be better for the economy of Germany and their business.

  2. I think that this is great. We need to start protecting the environment. Eliminating diesel vehicles will help put us in the right direction to saving the environment. Having this ban will be a great way in helping get rid of some of the pollution in highly populated areas. Great blog post!


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