Trump 'right' about Sweden?

Sweden's prime minister Stefan Löfven has stated that he will be cracking down on immigration and gang violence to make Sweden great again. He has put together a trump-inspired agenda to implement tougher laws on crime and immigration, and plans to spend more money on law enforcement. Since making these changes, there have been results in Sweden's three major cities, and there has been a decrease in shootings. As prime minister says "And we'll keep doing that. There is no space in Sweden for organized crime. They decrease freedom for ordinary people". February of last year, Trump referred to a number of countries that had taken in large numbers of refugees, adn were then targeted by terrorists. Back then, Sweden had to disagree with Trump and saw no correlation between immigration and crime/attacks. Two days after Trumps statement, there was a horrible riot in Sweden, whose population was largely immigrant. The prime minister of Sweden is now more open to Trump's statement, and has been working on trying to improve the lives of everyone in Sweden. Do you stand with Trumps correlation of immigration and attacks, or do you think that correlation does not exist?


  1. Correlatives, as any good mathematician or business manager knows, can be over-simplified and often in ways that lead to proposals lacking strategy. Even if one were to see increases in immigration running parallel to crime of any kind, the correlation might not be direct.

  2. Do you think that the correlation in this case is direct? It is sort of an opinion in this case, and not every question has the right answer. It was interesting to see some of the ideas in this post that were brought up.


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