Harnessing Wind Power: Leaps in Renewable Energy for Northern Europe

As social demands increase for more environmentally friendly sources of energy, Northern Europe is makes significant steps towards a greener future. Belgium leads this drive of cleaner energy source and reduction of emissions. The government Belgium plans to designate a 221 square-kilometre area near French waters for the use of wind farms. Currently Belgium only get 870 megawatts of power from off-shore wind farms. In the year 2020 estimates a figure of 2.2 gigawatts and by 2030 an astonishing 4 gigawatts. In conjunction with the approval of a revised energy pact stating the plan to phase out nuclear power some time between 2022-2025. With this decision to leave nuclear power that means that Belgium will have to make up for the 6 gigawatts that is generated through plants that generate power from smashing atoms. While most understand the potential harm that comes along with nuclear reactors. 

Most will remember the catastrophic disaster in Chernobyl that occurred at Three Mile Island in Northern Ukraine in 1986. This disaster lead to sever environmental impacts and lead to a mass evacuation of the surrounding area that is still to this day contaminated with radiation. Chernobyl is still a modern ghost town only home to scavengers and tourists more than 30 years after the reactor malfunctioned. The movement away from nuclear and investments into cleaner energy is vital. 

Not only Belgium pleas to invest in wind, but Denmark is also making a necessary plans to increase implementation of wind power. Denmark's vow to make at least half of its energy sources renewable may not be achieved until 2030. These steps are a move in the right direction, and what this means for Denmark is the power harnessed by wind will able to generate enough power to completely supply Denmark's seven largest cities. These new construction plans of wind farms on the Baltic and Northern seas are remarkable steps to a brighter future. 






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